In the definition of the slope, vertical lines were excluded. It is customary not to assign a slope to these lines. This is true as long as we assume that a slope is a number. But from a purely geometric point of view, a curve may have a vertical tangent. Think of a circle (with two vertical tangent lines). We still have an equation, namely x=c, but it is not of the form y = ax+b. In fact, such tangent lines have an infinite slope. To be precise we will say:
The graph of a function f(x) has a vertical tangent at the
(x0,f(x0)) if and only if
Example. Consider the function
In this example, the limit of f'(x) when is the same whether we get closer to 2 from the left or from the right. In many examples, that is not the case.
Example. Consider the function
It is clear that the graph of this function becomes
vertical and then virtually doubles back on itself. Such pattern
signals the presence of what is known as a vertical cusp.
In general we say that the graph of f(x) has a vertical cusp at
x0,f(x0)) iff
In both cases, f'(x0) becomes infinite. A graph may also exhibit a behavior similar to a cusp without having infinite slopes:
Example. Consider the function
So there is no vertical tangent and no vertical cusp at x=2. In fact, the phenomenon this function shows at x=2 is usually called a corner.
Exercise 1. Does the function
Exercise 2. Does the function
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have a vertical tangent or a vertical cusp at x=3?
have a vertical tangent or a vertical cusp at x=0?
Helmut Knaust
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