Real Eigenvalues

Consider the linear homogeneous system


In order to find the eigenvalues, consider the characteristic polynomial


In this section we will consider the case of the quadratic equation above when it has two distinct real roots (that is, if tex2html_wrap_inline96 ). The roots (eigenvalues) are




Here we know that the differential system has two linearly independent straight-line solutions


where tex2html_wrap_inline104 (respectively tex2html_wrap_inline106 ) is an eigenvector associated to the eigenvalue tex2html_wrap_inline108 (respectively tex2html_wrap_inline110 ). We also know that the general solution (which describes all of the solutions) to the system has the form


Keep in mind that tex2html_wrap_inline104 and tex2html_wrap_inline106 are two constant vectors.

Let us discuss the behavior of the solutions when tex2html_wrap_inline118 (meaning the future) and when tex2html_wrap_inline120 (meaning the past). Since the eigenvalues are distinct, one is bigger than the other one. Assume that we have


It is easy to see that we have


Behavior when tex2html_wrap_inline118

In this case we will consider the equation




(because tex2html_wrap_inline132 ) then it is clear that when tex2html_wrap_inline118 , we have


Behavior when tex2html_wrap_inline118

In this case we will consider the equation




(because tex2html_wrap_inline146 ) then it is clear that when tex2html_wrap_inline120 , we have


Remark:Since the two eigenvalues are real numbers, we have three cases to consider depending on their signs:

Case 1: Both are positive


In this case we have


meaning that the solutions emanate from the origin (if you go to the past, you will die at the origin). When tex2html_wrap_inline118 , Y(t) explodes.

In this case the origin plays the role of a source. Clearly, the origin is the only equilibrium point.

Case 2: Both eigenvalues are negative


In this case we have


meaning that in the future the solutions die at the origin. When tex2html_wrap_inline120 , Y(t) explodes.

In this case, the origin plays the role of a sink. Clearly, the origin is the only equilibrium point.

Case 3: The eigenvalues have different signs


In this case, the origin behaves like a saddle.

Remark: It is clear from the above discussions that one may decide about the signs of the eigenvalues just by looking at some solutions on the phase plane (depending whether we have a saddle, a sink or a source).

Example: Consider the three phase planes and decide about the sign-distribution of the associated eigenvalues.

Phase Plane I
Phase Plane II
Phase Plane III


For the phase-plane I, the origin is a source. Therefore, the two eigenvalues are both positive.
For the phase-plane II, the origin is a saddle. Hence, the two eigenvalues are opposite signs.
For the phase-plane III, the origin is a sink. Hence, the two eigenvalues are negative.

Example: Consider the harmonic oscillator equation


Discuss the behavior of the spring-mass.

Answer: First, translate this equation to the system




The characteristic polynomial of this system is


The eigenvalues are


It is clear that both of them are negative. Hence, the origin is a sink. Meaning that, regardless of the initial condition, the mass will always tend to its equilibrium, or rest, position.
Note that if V is an eigenvector associated to the biggest eigenvalue tex2html_wrap_inline192 , then all the solutions tend to the origin tangent to that vector V. In this case we have


Remark: The case when one of the two eigenvalues is zero will be discussed in another section separately.

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Author: Mohamed Amine Khamsi

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