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PostPosted: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 03:14:29 UTC 

Joined: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 07:25:06 UTC
Posts: 27
1. G is chordal iff G has a Perfect Elimination Scheme/Ordering (PES)
2. G is chordal iff every induced subgraph H of G has a simplicial vertex of H.

Show directly (ie, don't use the above) to show that G has a PES iff every induced subgraph H of G has a simplicial vertex.

(->) Assume G has PES = [v_1, v_2, ..., v_n] By definition every v_i is simplicial in the graph H=G[v_i, v_{i+1}, ... v_n] (ie H = the graph induced by the vertices v_i, v_{i+1}, ... ,v_n in G). I need to show that given any subset of PES, say H = G[x_1, x_2, ..., x_m] that this graph has a simplicial vertex. I'm pretty sure that this needs to be done BWOC. If each graph didn't have a simplicial vertex then there wouldn't be a PES ordering. But I'm not exactly sure how to show this. It seems so simple and direct and I'm stuck. I guess I need the why this is true and I'm missing it.

(<-) Assume every induced subgraph H of G has a simplicial vertex then G has a PES. Again, I'm pretty sure to do this by contradiction but it seems too simple to say that if each subgraph didn't have a simplicial vertex then there wouldn't be a PES ordering. Which would be the same proof as the (->) part. I guess I'm missing the how this happens because it seems so direct from definition. I'm going in circles!

Any help is appreciated! Thank you so much!

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