- notation:
, 1:=TRUE, 0:=FALSE.
- Let
be a Boolean function of
-variables, i.e.
- minterm:= any product (AND) of
literals (complemented or uncomplemented). e.g,
is a minterm in 3 variables
is the minimum number of 2-input NOR gates required to represent a given function
. For instance,
, where
are minterms that are **co-prime** (i.e,
can't be minimized further. In other words,
are prime implicants of
). For instance,
are co-prime
Then, is the following true?
[i.e, adding two coprime minterms can't yield a 2-input NOR circuit with fewer gates]
I think it is true but I can't think of a proof. Any ideas on how to start proving it?